Saturday 16 September 2023

Kurt Horres, German theatre director, Died at 90


Kurt Horres: Pioneering Opera Director and Innovator

Kurt Horres was an influential figure in the realm of opera, acclaimed for his significant contributions as a stage director and opera manager. Throughout his extensive career, he tirelessly championed contemporary opera and earned acclaim for his unwavering dedication to this art form.

Early Years and Education

Born on November 28, 1932, in Düsseldorf, Germany, Kurt Horres exhibited a profound passion for the arts from an early age. He pursued his academic interests by delving into German studies, theatre science, and art history at the University of Cologne and the Robert Schumann Conservatory in Düsseldorf. This strong academic foundation paved the way for his future achievements in the world of opera.

A Career Dedicated to Opera

Kurt Horres' venture into the opera world commenced with his involvement at the Komische Oper Berlin, where he had the privilege of collaborating with the renowned Walter Felsenstein. His early experiences in Berlin laid the foundation for an extraordinary opera career.

Over the years, Horres held various esteemed positions and contributed to several prestigious opera houses, including the Wuppertal Opera, Cologne Opera, and Theater Bonn. Notably, he served as the Oberspielleiter at the Theater Lübeck until 1964.

However, a significant phase of impact emerged during his tenure as the opera manager at the Wuppertaler Bühnen. Here, he advocated for literature operas by notable composers such as Wolfgang Fortner and Gunther Schuller. An epitome of his influence was the world premiere of Blacher's "Yvonne, Prinzessin von Burgund" on September 15, 1973, featuring the acclaimed dancer Pina Bausch in a silent titular role.

Horres' time at the Wuppertal Opera also witnessed the flourishing of Pina Bausch's dance theatre, further solidifying his influence on the performing arts.

Leader and Visionary

In 1976, Kurt Horres embraced the role of general manager (Intendant) at the Staatstheater Darmstadt, earning acclaim for his production of Britten's "Tod in Venedig."

His career was punctuated by directing numerous world premieres, including Klebe's "Das Mädchen aus Domrémy" and Klebe's "Die Fastnachtsbeichte." He also introduced audiences to contemporary works that challenged traditional norms.

In 1984, Horres assumed the position of general manager at the Hamburg State Opera, initiating productions such as Mussorgsky's "Boris Godunov." Despite facing challenges and opposition during his Hamburg tenure, Horres remained resolute in pushing the boundaries of opera.

In 1986, he was appointed general manager of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in Düsseldorf and Oberhausen, succeeding Grischa Barfuss. Approximately one-third of the 60 productions during his tenure focused on 20th-century works, highlighting his dedication to modernity in opera.

Horres collaborated on a production of Wagner's "Der Ring des Nibelungen" with the Cologne Opera and directed various operas, including Walter Steffens's "Unter dem Milchwald" and Gottfried von Einem's "Kabale und Liebe."

Legacy and Mentorship

Kurt Horres' impact on opera extended beyond his directorial ventures. He generously shared his expertise as a teacher of stage direction at the Folkwang University, shaping the next generation of opera talent.

A Farewell to Remember

Kurt Horres' passing on January 2, 2023, marked the conclusion of an era in the opera world. At 90 years old, his legacy lives on through his steadfast dedication to pushing opera's boundaries and his unshakeable belief in its enduring relevance as an art form. His influence continues to inspire upcoming generations of artists and opera enthusiasts, ensuring his indelible mark on the world of performing arts endures.

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