Saturday 16 September 2023

Martin Davis, American Mathematician, Died at 94

Martin David Davis: Pioneering Mathematician and Computer Scientist

Martin David Davis (March 8, 1928 – January 1, 2023) was a revered American mathematician and computer scientist, renowned for his significant contributions to computability theory and mathematical logic. His work has etched an indelible mark on the landscape of mathematics and computer science.

Early Life and Education

Born on March 8, 1928, in the lively city of New York City, Martin David Davis was raised in a household of Jewish immigrants from Łódź, Poland, who settled in New York City. Growing up in the vibrant borough of the Bronx, his parents instilled in him a profound appreciation for education, shaping his educational aspirations.

In 1948, Davis earned his bachelor's degree in mathematics from City College. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, he pursued a Ph.D. in Science, successfully obtaining it from the prestigious Princeton University in 1950. His doctoral dissertation, titled "On the Theory of Recursive Unsolvability," was guided by the eminent American mathematician and computer scientist, Alonzo Church.

Academic Journey

Martin David Davis embarked on an illustrious academic journey that traversed various esteemed institutions of learning. During the early 1950s, he served as a research instructor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. During this time, he became an early programmer of the ORDVAC computer, marking the beginnings of his association with computing. Subsequently, he contributed his expertise to renowned institutions such as Bell Labs and the RAND Corporation. Later in his career, he played a pivotal role in the establishment of the computer science department at New York University (NYU). His commitment to academia was unwavering, culminating in his retirement from NYU in 1996. Additionally, he enriched the field of computer science as a visiting faculty member at the University of California, Berkeley.

Contributions to Mathematics and Computer Science

Hilbert's Tenth Problem

One of Martin David Davis's most significant achievements was his pioneering work on Hilbert's tenth problem. This mathematical enigma, initially proposed by the German mathematician David Hilbert, revolved around ascertaining whether a Diophantine equation possessed an algorithmic solution. Davis's early engagement with this problem during his Ph.D. dissertation led to a conjecture that it was insoluble. Collaborating with American mathematicians Hilary Putnam and Julia Robinson during the 1950s and 1960s, they made substantial strides towards solving this conjecture. The culmination of their efforts materialized in 1970 with the significant contribution of Russian mathematician Yuri Matiyasevich, resulting in the MRDP theorem—honoring Martin David Davis, Hilary Putnam, Julia Robinson, and Yuri Matiyasevich. Davis had often described this problem as "irresistibly seductive" and a "lifelong obsession."

The DPLL Algorithm

In 1961, Martin David Davis joined forces with Hilary Putnam, George Logemann, and Donald W. Loveland to conceive the Davis–Putnam–Logemann–Loveland (DPLL) algorithm. This backtracking-based search algorithm proved instrumental in solving propositional logic formulae in conjunctive normal form (CNF-SAT), a critical component of Boolean satisfiability solvers. This algorithm built upon their earlier work, the Davis–Putnam algorithm, which was established in 1960. The DPLL algorithm continues to form the bedrock of fast Boolean satisfiability solvers.

Other Pioneering Contributions

Beyond his foundational work in computability theory, Martin David Davis made significant strides in computational complexity and mathematical logic. He introduced his model of Post–Turing machines, further enriching the field of computer science.

Honors and Accolades

Martin David Davis received a multitude of honors and awards in acknowledgment of his extraordinary contributions. Notably, he was bestowed with the Leroy P. Steele Prize, the Chauvenet Prize (shared with Reuben Hersh), and the Lester R. Ford Award. Additionally, he was honored as a fellow of both the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Mathematical Society.

Published Works

Martin David Davis's influence extended to the realm of literature, with his books serving as pivotal resources in theoretical computer science. His book "Computability and Unsolvability," published in 1958, is revered as a classic in the field. In 2000, he authored "The Universal Computer," a historical exploration of computing that delves into the works of luminaries such as Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Alan Turing. His book "The Undecidable," first published in 1965, presented a collection of unsolvable problems and computable functions, adding to his lasting legacy in mathematical literature.

Personal Life and Legacy

In his personal life, Martin David Davis was married to Virginia Whiteford Palmer, a talented textile artist. Their journey together began in 1951 when they met during their time in the Urbana–Champaign area. Their union was blessed with two children, and they shared their lives in Berkeley, California, following Davis's retirement.


Tragically, Martin David Davis passed away on January 1, 2023, at the age of 94. Remarkably, his wife, Virginia Whiteford Palmer, also passed away on the same day, just several hours later. Martin David Davis's legacy endures through his groundbreaking work in mathematics and computer science, and his influence will continue to inspire generations of scholars and researchers in these fields.

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